Don’t skip the sacred

Feeling a bit unsettled these days? Could you use an anchor in the storm of daily life, especially with all the stuff that's on tv and social media? One way to experience a greater sense of calm is to return to the sacred. And by sacred I mean... well, a lot of things.

Sacred, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. For example, breakfast at the dining room table is sacred to me. I don't always take the time to do it, but when I do, I can feel the Peace all around me. It's in the setting of the table, preparing a nice little meal, sitting down and paying attention to the ritual of nourishing myself. It invokes beauty, gratitude, stillness and practicing the Presence of God. All this makes breakfast time sacred to me and that makes a big difference in how I feel about myself and how I experience the world around me.

What is sacred to you? It can be most anything, but most likely it's that something that you've thought about doing but keep putting off. Maybe it's a traditionally sacred activity like going to church, singing kirtan or reading scripture. For you it might be an early morning walk on the beach, saying grace at dinner or creating an altar in your bedroom.

There are no rules around what is sacred. What matters is what is sacred to you and that you start practicing it in your daily life. Because bringing the sacred back into your awareness is always a good idea. I promise it will do wonders to ease your mind, settle your stomach and help you find the mental and emotional calmness your heart is calling for.