Something special happens when a group of women get together. In the old days a women's group took on the form of a quilting bee or the ladies' auxiliary. Today it often manifests as a women's circle or a book club. In any form, there's a magical energy that emerges when women come together to really listen to and care about what each other is saying and experiencing. Whether it's around a campfire or at a potluck dinner, a gathering of women is something special to behold.
When I facilitate a women's circle, I have the privilege and honor of watching wonderful women gently open up to each other and share their deeper selves. Then the real magic begins. The nodding of heads in understanding. The soft smiles and moist eyes of empathy or sympathy. Then tears again, this time fully flowing in uncontrollable laughter. And finally, when it's time to leave, the sharing of hugs and emails to stay in touch -- a continuation of the fun and support -- all part of the time-honored sisterhood of the 'something special' that happens when women get together.
Women coming together for a good cause |